The Dalai Lama Visit Trust NZ is a Charitable Trust registered with the New Zealand Charities Commission.
We endeavour to make the visit accessible to as many people as possible through keeping ticket prices to a minimum, and offering free events where possible.
To achieve this we rely on the kind generosity of benefactors such as yourself.
If you wish to make a donation towards the costs of this event:
Cheque: Dalai Lama Visit Trust NZ, PO Box 5429, Wellesley St, Auckland 1141
Internet: A/C 12-3011-0650248-02 Dalai Lama Visit Trust NZ (ASB Bank, Auckland)
If you wish a receipt, please put your name in the Reference and e-mail details to info@dalailamavisit.org.nz
All donations over $5.00 are eligible for tax credits.